Hygienic-sanitary diagnosis and microbiological evaluation of dairy products from a dairy industry located in Tucuruí – Pará

Elaine Lopes Figueiredo, Jéssica Kelly Lima Melo, Natália Caroline Oliveira Neves


This work evaluated the degree of compliance of a dairy industry in relation to Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP). The objectives were to identify the Critical Control Points (CCP) and Control Points (CP) in the pasteurized milk and strawberry yogurt processing chain; to evaluate the microbiological quality of the products, as well as the contamination index of the processing surfaces of a dairy industry located in the municipality of Tucuruí, Pará. Regarding the GMP evaluation, it was used the Collegiate Board Resolution 275 verification sheet. The steps of the flowcharts of the dairy products manufacturing chain were evaluated in order to identify PCCs and PCs and potential health hazards to the consumers. The microbiological analysis of the dairy products (total and thermo-tolerant coliforms, Staphylococcus aureus counts and Salmonela research) followed the official methods of the American Public Health Association. Also, swab of 12 surfaces involved in the processing chain of the products were submitted to the same microbiological analysis. Based on the degree of compliance with GMP, the dairy industry was placed within the Group 1 category. The results of microbiological analysis in pasteurized milk and yoghurt were found to comply with the legal requirements. However, although the surfaces were in accordance with the specifications for thermo-tolerant coliforms, a high contamination rate with Staphylococcus aureus and total coliforms were found, which indicates hygienic-sanitary failure in the dairy industry.


good manufacturing practices; dairy products.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.14295/2238-6416.v71i2.466


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