Development and characterization of cashew nuts food cream with content reduced lactose

Francisco Lyncon Fonseca de Aquino, Emanuel Neto Alves de Oliveira, Luan Emanoel Chaves Almeida, Rerisson do Nascimento Alves, Bruno Fonsêca Feitosa


The objective was to develop a cashew nuts food cream (CAC) whit reduced lactose content and to characterize it as a proximal composition, physical-chemical and microbiological parameters, acceptance of sensory attributes, purchase intention, and Acceptability Indexes (AI). The quality parameters of cashew nuts were also evaluated. The results were analyzed using Analysis of Variance, in a Completely Randomized Design, and the means were compared using the Tukey test (p<0.05). The composition of CAC's showed high nutritional and energy value and adequate hygienic-sanitary conditions for consumption. The average reduction (p<0.05) in sugar-reducing content was >30%. It was observed that the lactose-reduced food paste indicated higher AI in the color, appearance, and aroma attributes, with AI >80%. The proposal of a food paste restricted to ingredients with zero lactose and reduced lactose content may be viable for marketing tests and preliminary service to the public with food restrictions, specifically those who are lactose intolerant.


Anacardium occidentale L.; hazelnut cream; lactose intolerance; new products; sensory acceptance.



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