Microbiological profile of sweetened condensed milk produced in Brazil

Jaqueline Flaviana Oliveira de Sá, Ítalo Tuler Perrone, Paulo Henrique Fonseca da Silva, Larissa Mara Gomes Chagas de Faria, Monique Colombo


The sweetened condensed milk is obtained by the partial removal of water by vacuum evaporation of milk that was previously enhanced with sucrose. This process results in a product with high concentration of solutes which prevents the growth of most microorganisms. The process of microcrystallization is responsible for the viscosity and texture of the product, however can be considered critical for the control of microbial growth. The use of hermetic packaging contributes to maintain the quality of the canned product, as that inhibits the growth of several aerobic microorganisms, even those that are able to tolerate a high osmotic pressure. This is due to the addition of sugar in the process and results in a reduction in the water activity which leads to a significant reduction in the microorganisms' growth rate and its final population. The aim of this study was to verify the presence of microorganisms in 27 samples of sweetened condensed milk produced in several regions of Brazil, from nine brands found at Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais. There was a high standard plate and yeasts and molds counts, for which it can be inferred about the conditions of processing and storage of products. It is necessary a legislation for the condensed milk, because the product has specific characteristics of composition and processing.



microbiological analysis, condensed milk, technology of concentrated and dehydrated milky


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