Evaluation of methods of analysis to determine the somatic cell count in raw milk, kept in the cooling tank

Manoel Pereira Neto, Adriano Henrique do Nascimento Rangel, Viviane Maia de Araújo, Dorgival Morais de Lima Júnior, Henrique Rocha de Medeiros, Luciano Patto Novaes


We analyzed the quality of raw milk from eight dairy property in Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, stored in a cooling tank, in order to evaluate methods for determining somatic cell counts (SCC). The Somaticell® kit and a portable Direct Cell Counter (DCC) were compared with each other and with the MilkoScanTM FT+ (FOSS Denmark), which uses Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIS). Direct cell counter data were processed for somatic cell scores (log-transformed somatic cell count) and analyzed with the SAS®, Statistical Analysis System. Comparison of means and correlation of somatic cell scores were conducted using Pearson’s correlation coefficient and the Tukey Test at 1%. No significant difference was observed for comparison of means. The correlation between somatic cell scores was significant, that is, 0.907 and 0.876 between the MilkoScanTM FT + and the Somaticell® kit and Direct Cell Count (DCC) respectively, and 0.943 between the Somaticell® kit and Direct Cell Count (DCC). The methods can be recommended for monitoring the quality of raw milk kept in a cooling tank in the production unit.


somatic cell score; mastitis; milk quality

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.14295/2238-6416.v69i3.274


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